Creating Iteration Path for different teams
Not all the teams want to follow the same iterations inside a project. Different teams can have different iterations. Some teams can have 2 weeks iteration whereas some teams can have 3 week iteration. It all depends upon how the teams decide and Azure DevOps also provides a way to configure different iteration paths for different teams.
Here is an best example
See how you can create different iterations path for different team.Sprint of 1 team will not impact another .
If you take Infra ===> Sprint 1 starts at Aug 14th and ends Sep 3rd
If you take Mobile ===> Sprint 1 starts at Aug 14th and ends Aug 27th
If you take SAP===> Sprint 1 starts at Aug 28th and ends Sep 10th
So it’s entirely possible to have different sprints for different teams and manage it from AzureDevOps and you can see more about creating sprints from here