Tagged: Azure Boards

Multiple Projects Dashboard in Azure DevOps

Though Azure DevOps doesn’t have a feature to see data from multiple projects in a single Dashboards, there are some workarounds which can be done to see these data from different projects in a...

Rename a Dashboard in Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps Dashboards can be renamed easily provided, you have proper permissions. To rename a dashboard make sure you have a basic license and then follow the below steps. Step1: Go to Dashboards under...

Dashboards in Azure DevOps

Dashboards are customizable interactive boards that provide latest and up-to date information about a project in Azure DevOps. A Dashboard can contain one or more widgets which can display various information about the workitems, repos,...

Create Sprints in Azure DevOps

In Azure DevOps, Sprints are called as Iterations and to create these iterations you need to have Project Admin access. After creating these iterations you need to assign them to specific teams or to...

Recycle Bin | Azure DevOps

Recycle Bin is the place where you can find deleted workitems in Azure DevOps which you can restore to their original state if you have deleted it by mistake. You won’t be able to...