Converting Parameters to Shared Parameters in TestCases | Azure TestPlans
We have seen about how to create and edit the shared parameters as well as how to insert the already existing shared parameters in the testcase.Let us see here about how to convert parameters in a testcase into shared parameters so that it can be used across testcases
Step 1: Open the TestCase which has parameters for any steps as shown below

As you see in the above testcase there are 2 Parameters called “Username” and “Password”. Let us convert those parameters into Shared Parameters
So to convert them into shared parameters click on the Convert to shared parameters link.Once you click on the “Convert to shared parameters link” a window will open as shown

Enter the name of the shared parameter and click on “Create” button. As soon as you click on “Create” button the normal parameters will be converted into shared parameters

You can also see the shared parameters in the parameters as shown below