Installing a AzureDevOps agent in CentOS 7
Let us see how to install an AzureDevOps agent in a CentOS by following the below steps given below
Step 1: Login to AzureDevOps and copy the url for downloading the Linux agent from Organization settings —> Agent Pools
Step 2: Log into the CentOS by a terminal or by Putty
Step 3: Once you have logged in, download the file by using wget command and paste the url you have copied so that Agent file gets downloaded to the root
Step 4: Rename the file as agent.tar.gz
Step 5: Create an agent directory anywhere in the System and copy the agent file to that particular agent directory
Step 6: Then once the files has been extracted, follow the below steps to install the agent again
Step 7: Run to install the agent

Step 8: Then it will display the license terms and ask you to either Accept or Reject it by pressing Yes or No button
Step 9: Then enter the Server url (AzureDevOps url)
Step 10: Then enter the PAT created (always use a PAT with full access)
Step 11: Then enter a “agent pool name” and “agent name” of your choice
Step 12: And again press “Enter” key for work folder
Step 13: Once work folder is created, start the agent by command (2nd screenshot below)


As soon the above command, AzureDevOps agent will be waiting for the jobs from the server