Author: Shan

Renaming a Azure Subscription

It’s possible to rename a subscription in Azure. By default whenever a subscription is created, it will be named as “Pay-As-You-Go”. You can rename the subscription to any name of your choice. The subscription...

Azure DevOps Organization vs Project

Azure DevOps Organization is nothing but a collection of projects and it generally begins with url like There might be one or more projects inside an Azure DevOps organization and each project inside...

Cycle Time vs Lead Time in Azure DevOps

Cycle Time and Lead Time are different kind of metrics that enables us to calculate how the team is performing well in completing their assigned workitems such as requirements, bugs and tasks. The goal...

Renaming a branch in Azure DevOps

In Azure DevOps we can have different branches, but sometimes we might need to rename a branch as the name might not be reflecting the current code we are working or due to some...